Three seasons – Essential line
Basic no-frills three-seasons aluminum / glass / screen sunroom. Priced to match. Good for three seasons occasional use. 10 years warranty.
Installed at any season. No mess, less than one week on site installation. Offered with our installation or DIY kit.
The term Essential only means that the room is built with no frills – just the necessary features to serve as a usable space for the full three seasons. The structure is sturdy, 2″ aluminium frame and posts. Windows slide either vertically or horizontally. It shares the same roof assembly as the high end produces. For self-install projects, we would recommend this structure.
Wall sections interlock into each other for extra strength, and fine profile windows allow for more glass than any other product in its class. Operating windows and sliding doors come with screens, so it can double as a screen room for the summer. It offers more colours than the high-end products and as you may judge from the pictures, it does look almost the same. See the comparison page for more details.
The window styles are:
Vertical windows, where each module width is limited to about 30″. over that it gets too heavy to lift. It results in more posts in between the operating units – could look too busy. This is the cheaper of the two, but not terribly popular.
Horizontal windows, where windows glide sideways. Here each window module can extend to 60″, twice wider than the horizontal window configuration. The meeting rail where the operating panes meet is narrow and blends into the structure, so it gives a clear and unobstructed look. This configuration is slightly more expensive than the other but the popular of the two.
Both styles share the same doors – sliding doors at 5′ or 6′, and hinged door.
TSB10 – Essential line sunroom with vertical windows.
TSB20 – Essential line sunroom with horizontal windows.