Clear awnings


Clear door awning


Permanent, elegant polycarbonate awnings to protect doors against the elements. Offered with clear, tinted and opaque finishes. Standard widths and a modular option will fit most given areas. Aluminum or polypropylene brackets offered in several colours. Can be installed year-round. Offered with our installation in our catchment area or as DIY kits.


We carry a line of clear polycarbonate canopies for doors and walkways. This style blends nicely with modern and old houses alike and provides good protection from the elements while being hardly noticeable.

Canopies are offered in a variety of finishes with aluminium or polypropylene brackets. Cover sheets made of monolithic polycarbonate withstand the UV, will not yellow or wave. Installation requires little overhead, so can be mounted in tight areas above doors.

Awnings come in two basic styles – front curve and side curve – barrel style. See tabs for sizes and options available.

Installation is straight forward – either by us or as a DIY kit, see install tab. 

|Front curve|

Single panel awnings, types A & B

Polycarbonate front curved single panel, mounted on top of the wall brackets. Two or three brackets depends on awning width.

clear awning type B

CAW100 – Clear polycarbonate awning, single panel, two aluminum brackets.


Low profile bracket polycarbonate clear awning

CAW110 – Clear polycarbonate awning, single panel, three aluminium brackets.


Sizes and option, single panel, front curve style:

Type A, standard bracket:

Projection: 39″
47″, 59″ – two brackets.
78″, 94″ – three brackets.
Shoe height: 7″
Total drop: 9.5″
Panel finishes clear, black, tinted grey.
Brackets: aluminium, silver finish.
Front rain deflector.

Type B, low profile bracket:

Projection: 28″
59″ – two brackets.
Shoe height: 5″
Total drop: 8″
Panel finishes: clear.
Brackets: aluminium, silver or black finish.
Front rain deflector.

 Clear awning



Modular awnings, types C, D , E.

Polycarbonate front curved panel, mounted between the wall brackets. This design allows connecting numerous units to create a stretch of awnings to the required length. Total length can be either multiplication of standard unite – 48″ and 60″, a combination thereof, or cut to size. The panel’s edge is hidden in the bracket so the edge needs not be perfect – will be invisible.


CAW150 – modular polycarbonate awning, middle bracket connection detail.


Sizes and option, modular, front curve style:

Type C, standard bracket:

Projection: 36″
Width, first panel: 47″, 59″, 2 brackets.
width, add-on panel: 47″, 59″, 1 bracket.
Shoe height: 11.25″
Total drop: 16″
Aluminium: silver finish.
Polypropylene: black, white or brown finish.
Panel finish: clear, frosted, black, tinted brown, tinted grey.
No front water deflector.

Type D, low profile bracket:

Projection: 27″
Width, first panel: 47″, 2 brackets.
width, add-on panel: 47″, 1 bracket.
Shoe height: 8.25″
Total drop: 11″
Polypropylene: black, white or brown finish.
Panel finish: clear, black, tinted brown.
No front water deflector.

Type E, deep projection:

Projection: 48″
Width, first panel: 59″, 2 brackets.
width, add-on panel: 59″, 1 bracket.
Shoe height: 13.5″
Total drop: 15″
Polypropylene: black or brown finish.
Panel finish: clear, Tinted gray, tinted brown.
No front water deflector.



 Clear awning

Measurements key

Modular awning

Connecting modules simulation




CAW160 – connected modular unites – front view, aluminum brackets.


clear_ awnings strung together

CAW 170 – connected modular units, bottom view. Polypropylene brackets.


clear_awning translucent

CAW180 – modular unit installed on its own, polypropylene bracket.



Polycarbonate sheet panel, curved to sides, mounted in between two wall brackets. supplied with integral mini gutters on the side brackets. 

Type H, standard projections:

Projection: 35″, 47″
Width x drop:
64″ x 13″
78″ x 17″
86″ x 21″
102″ x 22″
Brackets – aluminum, black or white finish.
Panel: clear.
Open gutters at sides.

Type K, short projection:

Projection: 27″
Width x drop:
60″ x 11″
Brackets – aluminium, black or white finish.
Panel: clear.
Open gutters at sides.



barrlel awning

barrel awning with brace

CAW200 – Barrel awning, clear polycarbonate cover, aluminum brackets.



CAW210 – Clear barrel awning, showing mounting detail.


entrance door clear canopy

CAW220 – clear barrel awning with optional spouts.


entrance door canopies

CAW230 – clear barrel awning with optional spouts.


entrance door canopy

CAW 240 – clear barrel awnings installed over siding, on a wood plate.


CAW 250 – large barrel awning over round top entrance door.



Awnings are fairly straightforward for self-install. The kit comes in a flat cardboard box with all parts, fasteners and installation instruction. Most sizes are easy to ship, save for the single panel awning wider than 60″. These sizes can be shipped but require additional crating so additional costs may render it prohibitive. For wide sizes, we suggest using modular awnings.

Please note:

  • For tight overhead use the low shoe, available in aluminium only.
  • If an awning installs low above the storm door check if the awning will clear the door.
  • Wall fasteners supplied are for brick / block installation. For other wall material, you will need to add your own appropriate fasteners.
  • Stucco or siding wall may present an issue. We recommend installing a 2x plate on the wall and mount the awning brackets on it.
  • We have no snow load values. This product has been sold in Europe for many years and was introduced in North America some decade ago. We have had no snow load issues and are not aware of any with other distributors.

clear_awning canopy

CAW300 – awning installed on stucco.


clear_awning over siding

CAW310 – awning installed on siding.




clear_awning over door






clear canopy






clear_awning polycarbonate



Clear awning in snow




CAW070 – awning installed over door with little headroom.




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